Children and Anxiety: How can I help?

About This Solution

Sometimes children don’t outgrow fears that are typical in younger children like being apart from parents or extreme fears about specific things or situations like dogs or going to the doctor’s office. Sometimes fears or worries may interfere with home, school or play activities. Sometimes children may seem irritable and angry or experience physical symptoms like stomach aches, and still other kids turn their symptoms inward causing us to miss them. In any of these cases, your child may be experiencing anxiety and will benefit from focused support and sometimes professional services. As parents, we may sometimes be inclined to help in ways that actually make symptoms worse like allowing children to avoid certain situations or getting worried about our children’s worries.

After this Quick Video, you will be able to:

  • Recognize symptoms of anxiety, types of anxiety and related family stressors
  • Identify ways that your child manages anxiety and how to help them do so more effectively
  • Apply strategies to balance between challenging your child to tolerate anxiety and letting them decide when they are overloaded.
  • Define and apply self-regulation and co-regulation as effective support strategies
  • Identify treatment options when needed

Be sure to review the handouts and email with any questions.

Sometimes children don’t outgrow fears that are typical in younger children like being apart from parents or extreme fears about specific things or situations like dogs or going to the doctor’s office. Sometimes fears or worries may interfere with home, school or play activities. Sometimes children may seem irritable and angry or experience physical symptoms like stomach aches, and still other kids turn their symptoms inward causing us to miss them. In any of these cases, your child may be experiencing anxiety and will benefit from focused support and sometimes professional services. As parents, we may sometimes be inclined to help in ways that actually make symptoms worse like allowing children to avoid certain situations or getting worried about our children’s worries.

After this Quick Video, you will be able to:

  • Recognize symptoms of anxiety, types of anxiety and related family stressors
  • Identify ways that your child manages anxiety and how to help them do so more effectively
  • Apply strategies to balance between challenging your child to tolerate anxiety and letting them decide when they are overloaded.
  • Define and apply self-regulation and co-regulation as effective support strategies
  • Identify treatment options when needed

Be sure to review the handouts and email with any questions.