Talk to Your Teenager to Keep them Safe

About This Solution

When teens feel like they can talk to their parents they are less likely to take risks with sex, drugs, and violence. Talking isn’t lecturing and this class will strengthen your listening as well as talking skills in ways that will help protect your teens and maybe even save your sanity.

After this Quick Video, you will be able to:

Be sure to review the handouts and email with any questions.

When teens feel like they can talk to their parents they are less likely to take risks with sex, drugs, and violence. Talking isn’t lecturing and this class will strengthen your listening as well as talking skills in ways that will help protect your teens and maybe even save your sanity.

After this Quick Video, you will be able to:

Be sure to review the handouts and email with any questions.

Meet your Instructors

Amy Alamar

School, Teens, Relationships,


Amy Alamar, Ed D has worked in the field of education as a teacher, teacher educator, researcher, parent educator, and education reformer for over fifteen years. She currently teaches graduate levels


Age Category

  • Prenatal & Infant
  • School Age
  • Teens & Young Adults
  • Toddlers & Preschoolers
Peace at Home