Peace at Home

If you’re wondering whether you are under-parenting or over-parenting, or if you’re just not sure what to do, you can trust Peace At Home to give you clarity and confidence to move forward. 

Parents who understand the brain-body-behavior connection at each stage of development are more confident and effective. Recognizing children’s needs and providing effective guidance reduces your stress as well as your child’s, particularly important in our post-pandemic pediatric mental health crisis.

Peace At Home Parenting focuses on progress not perfection and our Parenting Principles guide what we teach and how we practice.  Peace At Home won’t give you parenting hacks.  We will give you the science, expert advice, and the power of relationships to support you as you raise your kids and respond to the unexpected challenges of our unpredictable world. 

Solutions at Your Finger Tips

Join a workshop, watch a quick video, join the conversation with your peers, and get answers on the spot to take some of the stress out of parenting

Live Interactive Workshops

Live, engaging, interactive, online Workshops connect you with experts to learn, share, de-stress and get answers.

Quick Video Solutions

Easy-to-use, proven strategies that help solve over 150 big and small challenges with quick videos and handouts.

1:1 Consulting

Individual guidance from one of our experts can turn around a challenging situation or support you along your journey.


Join our monthly Q&As and our expert monitored Facebook group to connect with your peers and get answers from our experts.


Parent Guides are ready to connect you with the just right resources and answer any questions along the way.

Become a Peace At Home Parent today

There are lots of ways for parents, grandparents and caregivers to get started:

Ask your employer, school or social services organization to partner with Peace At Home to bring you and your community the proven solutions and compassionate support you need.

Not sure where to start?  We are here to help, email us at 

Get to Know Us


30+ Advanced degree experts who specialize in child and parenting issues from prenatal development through young adulthood.

Free Resources

Expert guidance, tools, and tips based on the latest parenting and child development research.

Learn More

We are here to help, email us to get started.

Peace at Home