Peace At Home Parenting Solutions

Our advanced degree experts design and deliver the ultimate guide for your entire parenting journey. Manage major milestones with proven tools and strategies as well as the things you never expected. We bring you solutions through live interactive classes, recordings, handouts, podcasts and blogs, but most importantly we are here to support you, so you can take care of the ones you love. Subscribe to our Parenting Solutions Portal for the complete Peace At Home experience to gain the clarity and confidence you need to help you and your family thrive.

Peace At Home
Parenting Solutions Portal

$197 for a year of Peace At Home solutions and support bundled into an easy-to-navigate Parenting Solutions Portal including:

  • Live Interactive Workshops
  • Quick Video Solutions Libraries
  • Resource Pages
  • Community & Support

Live Interactive Classes

It all makes sense when our experts share strategies and tools during these interactive discussions. Get on-the-spot answers and connect with parents facing the same challenges. Don’t worry if you miss a class, every live class is recorded and added to your Catalog with helpful handouts to refer back to or share.

Quick Solution Libraries

Watch or just listen to experts who get right to the point. Libraries include quick videos and handouts for age, special topics and parenting essentials to help you too. All of these and more.

Community & Support

anchors your parenting center, with quick access to our:

friend are doing chats on mobile

Lunch & Learn Sessions

Where parents can ask questions, get answers and share experiences.

friend are doing chats on mobile

Private Facebook Group

Our private, monitored Facebook group to get direct support from our experts and parent peers.

friend are doing chats on mobile

Resource Pages

A toolbox of support for every age, stage and challenge, all in one place.

friend are doing chats on mobile

Parent Guides

When you have a question or looking for resources our parenting guides are ready to help and just an email or a call away

What Peace At Home Parents are Saying

We are grateful and inspired by the parents and caregivers who have placed their trust in us

Peace at Home

Thank you for the quick meeting yesterday. We have spent a lot of time and money on a therapist and have done a few different ways, but it seems that your words really resonated with my husband and I yesterday and I have already seen vast improvement.

Parent JC

I learn something helpful in EVERY session I attend. I have become a better parent thanks to Peace At Home parenting, fact!

Parent AD

Well done for keeping on raising the bar on the conversations needed

Parent HL

Your work is so important to SO MANY parents and to me and my family, keep up the excellent work!

Parent KH

This was one of the best webinars that I've taken at MIT so far. Thanks!

Parent DF

I have been to a few of the webinars now and this is BY FAR the best one yet. So helpful. The lady leading it answered ALL questions in depth.

Parent ZY

Truly life changing webinar.

Parent HK

Really appreciated this webinar, actionable suggestions, real-life examples, and openness to responding to the questions.

Parent TL

I'm typically eye-roll-y / skeptical about people telling me how to raise my kids, but found this webinar to be incredibly insightful, non-judgemental, realistic, and meeting each of us where we're at. So great!

Parent AM

These classes give me confidence that life is good and I can move forward and I can be more emotionally prepared when I come across hard times.

Parent CS

This is my first class and I really hope to see it help me with my Stress with myself, My daughter and my Grandson and my Grandchild that my daughter is now pregnant with.

Parent MG

1:1 Consulting

Individual guidance from one of our experts can turn around a challenging situation or support you along your journey. Easy access to 1:1 Consulting is linked to your Parenting Portal.

Sessions are discounted for Parenting Portal Annual Subscribers.

Frequently Asked Questions

For $197/year, you can register for live classes, watch or listen to over 200 quick video solutions and 300 full length workshops, and access all community and support tools (Monthly QA, private Facebook page, and more all through one portal) for no other additional costs. Log in once and start creating your Peace at Home. You'll also receive weekly emails to remind you of upcoming live classes and helpful parenting information. Check out a quick video tour of the Parenting Solutions Portal above. It's a great value considering live and recorded classes are $27 each (and we offer over 100 each year) and libraries cost $57 or $97 depending on the size. Plus having all your resources in one place and not having to pay each time you want to watch, listen or attend a class makes the Peace At Home Parenting Portal, annual subscription the perfect choice.

Click here or subscribe today in any of the orange boxes on this page. The subscription will be added to your cart. You will be prompted to log in or create an account and then brought back to the cart page to check out. Checkout through PayPal with your PayPal account or credit card. Return to the site when prompted and you are in. Click the Peace at Home Logo in the upper right on the Thank you page and you'll be on the Parenting Solutions Portal. Whenever you log in, you'll be brought to that page to continue your journey.

We'll send you a reminder a month before renewal with an easy option to renew or cancel.

Simply log in when prompted during the checkout process and your account will be automatically transferred to the new Parenting Solutions Portal.

$197/year for Peace At Home, your portal to proven, trusted knowledge and compassionate support

Peace at Home