Challenges & Solutions
Our Solution Series Libraries are developed around a specific parenting challenge. Each Series includes a collection of hand-picked, easily digestible (15 min+/-) videos which unlock a key piece of the parenting puzzle. Read our summary of this Series below then click on each lesson to access the class description, video, handouts, and information about our Expert(s).
Put your oxygen mask on first, to be the best for your children and family. It’s often difficult to prioritize mental and physical wellness for ourselves, especially when life gets busy and stressful. This series complements the Peace at Home Starts Here library and will help you address mental roadblocks, find ways to prioritize mental wellness, sneak movement into a hectic schedule, and treat yourself kindly when challenges arise. Experience greater joy being present, kind to your self and healthy.
Peace At Home is possible, one step at a time. And remember progress, not perfection. Check out our resource pages and complete Quick Video Library, with more tools to give you clarity and confidence. Let’s do this together.
Click on the title below to access the solution video and handouts.