The transition back to school is good news for some families and a challenge for others. The more relaxed routines of summer will be behind us and the demands of school days arrive. Do you get stressed anticipating how your child(ren) will make the transition? Worried about school performance? Dreading that homework police job you fall into? Peace At Home founder and president, Ruth E. Freeman, LCSW joined ADHD, Autism and Anxiety specialist, Aaron Weintraub, MS to find out strategies that will help you find your calm center and support your kids to start the year with optimism and curiosity.
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After this discussion, you will be able to:
Recognize your own feelings and concerns about you children’s transition back to school
Apply strategies to calm your brain and support your children’s optimism and resilience about the new school year
Reassure your children that a new school year brings new experiences and exciting challenges