Interactive Workshops

Support Your Neurodiverse Child

saying sorry


Many parents of children with special needs report higher than average levels of stress and conflict. Often anxiety or depression can look like misbehavior. Children with special needs may not respond to the discipline techniques that work for other children. Diagnosis like Autism Spectrum Disorder or ADHD require behavioral support strategies that are specific to each child’s needs. Effective discipline is built on empathy and a balance between flexibility and consistency. It’s time to stop just surviving and get the tools you need to thrive and enjoy your relationship with your child as you support their growth and development.

Interactive Workshops

Understand and Support Your Neurodivergent Child
We often view kids’ challenging behaviors as misbehavior – that is on purpose or even manipulation to gain or avoid something. This point of view is sadly common in families and even in schools. In order to correct the behavior we don’t want, we tend to “discipline” our children which commonly means consequences, time-outs or punishment. Even though largely outdated and sometimes harmful, most adults believe that these approaches “teach” children to behave in more appropriate or expected ways. In contrast, science tells us that what is often viewed as misbehavior is actually a stress response. When a child feels stressed or unsafe on the inside, challenging behaviors are what we see on the outside. And neurodivergent children, like those with Autism or ADHD, are even more vulnerable to feeling stressed than neurotypical children. Let’s work on this together.
Purposeful Play and Executive Function in Children
Why is purposeful play important for your child’s brain development and success in school? How can purposeful play improve your child’s interpersonal skills, peer relationships, and ability to communicate and stay focused? This workshop will help you to understand the importance of play, what you are doing already and how you can make small changes that support your child’s play and yield big results.
Support Your Child with Special Needs: Effective ways to navigate Difficult Behaviors and the Special Education Process
While your child needs people who understand and support them, so do you. This workshop will connect you with Peace At Home teachers and other parents like yourself who understand your day-to-day experiences and the worries that can come along with those. Join us to gain skills to navigate the complex terrain of raising a child with special needs and addressing challenging behaviors. We will also talk about accessing special education to appropriately meet your child’s needs.
How to help your Child with Special Needs to Make Friends
We all hope that our children will make meaningful connections with peers and mentors. When they struggle with making friends it is difficult not to worry. Often, our first instinct is to try to teach specific social skills and manners but the truth is that strong relationships come from the inside out. What we call charisma can be broken down into empathy and confidence. Self-awareness and self-acceptance are the foundation of your child’s social life.
Get the Most from Your Child’s IEP Meeting: Prepare, Advocate and Find Support
If your child has been referred for a special education evaluation or is already eligible for special education services, you will be invited to attend special education team meetings. Many parents find these gatherings stressful, confusing and sometimes overwhelming. Join us to discover tools that will help you feel prepared to be an effective member of your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team. In addition to specific planning steps, you will gain approaches that help you effectively advocate for your child at the meetings. You will also learn about free support services that provide you with information and training specific to issues and questions you may have about your child’s circumstances.
Special Education: 504s and IEPs - What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter?
This class will help you understand the laws behind your child’s rights. You will learn about what to expect from two different kinds of services for children with disabilities: 504 Plans and Individual Education Programs (IEPs).The difference between the two is confusing to many parents. It’s important, however, to recognize the difference so you can be an effective part of your child’s planning team and so you can evaluate whether your school is effectively meeting your child’s needs.
ADHD: 7 Steps to More Cooperation and Less Conflict
Parenting a child with ADHD can be difficult at times, but you don’t have to face these challenges alone. Join us to discuss strategies to increase cooperation and decrease conflict with your child. In this virtual workshop, we will discuss the characteristics that define ADHD and how it can lead to behavioral issues. Join Peace At Home expert to explore environments and situations which may escalate these behaviors. We’ll identify practical strategies that you can use to improve cooperation and your connection with your child.
Talking to my child about their diagnosis of Autism
A diagnosis of a mental health issue or disability can come as a relief when it validates or expands your understanding of your child. It gives your family a place to start creating a support plan. You may also wonder about how much to say and how to say it to your child in a way that doesn’t harm their self-worth. In addition, when others in your family or community display symptoms of these challenges, children will often make up explanations that are not accurate. In all these cases, children will benefit from straightforward information delivered with a compassionate point of view. A little bit of preparation can go a long way in helping your child cope well and strengthen their resilience.
ADHD and Autism: Why Does My Kid Act this Way?
Are you wondering why your child with ADHD or Autism displays certain troubling behaviors? Are you feeling lost on how to parent in these moments? You are not alone. Join us to discuss why your child behaves this way and how to manage challenging situations. Many parents try punishment or persuasion to help misbehaving or withdrawn children to improve their behavior. You have likely discovered that these methods are not especially effective, particularly with children who display special needs. This virtual workshop will provide practical tools and strategies to help you achieve the stronger connections and positive behaviors you are seeking.
Conversations That Build Self Esteem for your Child with Autism
We want our children to live healthy, happy lives with strong connections and a positive sense of self. Conversation is a pathway to developing and sustaining a healthy and trusting relationship with your child and for having a positive impact on how they see themselves. Join us to discover ways in which you can strengthen your child’s self-esteem through conversation, learn the power of “and,” and learn how positive self-esteem helps children improve their view of the world around them.

Meet your Instructors

Ruth Freeman

Mental Health, School Age, Relationships,


Tanika Eaves

Infants, Birth, Relationships,


Amy Alamar

School, Teens, Relationships,


Aaron Weintraub

Autism, Anxiety, ADHD,

MS, Curriculum Advisor
Peace at Home