School Age Children, who recognize and can manage their emotions as well as recognize and influence the emotions of others, tend to be more successful. You play a big role in teaching your child these important skills, mainly through modeling behavior.
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that through punishment you might scare a child into following directions in the short run, but you don’t get long-term behavior changes. Mountains of research has shown without doubt that children seek connection with their parents and those parents who focus that connection on positive behavior, win more cooperation. Learn more about the School Age child brain-body-behavior connection and proven solutions to confidently build more connection and cooperation in these live workshop titles.
Interactive Workshops
Positive Discipline for Peace At Home
Join us for this interactive, engaging workshop to gain the simple, practical tools you need to raise the children you really want – cooperative, confident and connected positively with family and friends. During this Workshop, you will discover myths that keep parents repeating ineffective discipline techniques that can actually increase misbehavior. You will learn evidence-based, straightforward strategies that increase and sustain child compliance, support child self-worth and strengthen your parent-child relationship.
Be Your Child's Emotions Coach: Everyday Emotions to Red Flags
A better relationship with your child starts with emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence increases children’s self-worth and cooperation, it improves communication and strengthens the parent-child connection. Family conflict decreases with strong emotional intelligence and it impacts all of your child’s future relationships.
Sugar, Screens, and Routines: Find the Right Balance for Your Family
It's easy to catch a break by extending kids’ screen time so you can get things done. Or just another treat, in exchange for some peace. These small habits may result in less cooperation, calm, and even happiness in your family. Let’s talk about other approaches that work.
Build an Extraordinary Relationship with Your Child through Daily Conversation
Raising emotionally healthy children with the ability to sustain meaningful relationships is a challenge even in the most ideal situations. In the midst of today’s pediatric mental health crisis, it has never been more important. Add school pressures, expanding technology, and post-pandemic challenges – you’ve got your hands full! This interactive online class will include a conversation about supporting your school-age child’s increasing independence while still nurturing playfulness and joy.
Who owns the problem? Hint, it's not you. How to teach problem solving and resilience
When you recognize who “owns” a problem, you can determine who is responsible for solving it. Once you know which problems are yours to solve and which problems are your child’s responsibility to solve, life gets a lot easier. We often fall into conflicts when we try to solve our kids’ problems. And most importantly, when teens perceive that they are problem solvers, they are less likely to use substances, less likely to harm themselves or others and they are all around more competent. When you teach your child problem solving skills, you are strengthening their emotional intelligence. This asset will help them succeed in relationships, at work and in most endeavors now and in the future.
Playtime with Your Kids: Move More, Build Connections, Stress Less
Are you looking for ways to enjoy the outdoors and get your family moving this summer? Join us to explore movement and play as ways to improve wellness and connections for the whole family. In this live, interactive workshop a Peace At Home expert will guide a discussion about why movement based activities are so important for your family’s health and overall wellbeing. We will discover practical and fun ways to get your family enjoying a fun, active summer together.
Mealtimes: End the Power Struggles
Family meals are associated with school success, lower rates of teen problems and an assortment of positive outcomes. Yet, parents find it hard to keep consistent mealtimes and often mistakenly use feeding and mealtimes to try to enforce healthy eating through unhealthy means. This class will provide parents best practices for feeding children that support both health and family connections.
Money and Kids: Raise Financially Responsible Children
Financial literacy is an essential life skill, but it can be hard to know how to talk to children about money in a way they will understand. Join us to learn about age appropriate ways to talk about money and how to help your kids set themselves up for financial success in the long run. From using allowance as a teaching tool to learning about retirement, there’s a wide range of financial topics that are important for your child to learn. Join other parents and Peace at Home experts in this virtual workshop to discuss how to teach your kids financial responsibility and why it’s important.
Sleep Solutions for Your School Age Child
Childhood sleep problems are common, and may contribute to daytime sleepiness, irritability, behavioral problems, learning difficulties or poor academic performance in your child. But what do you do if your child is not tired at bedtime, can’t fall asleep alone, or has bedtime fears and worries? Join this live, interactive workshop to learn how sleep works, what is “normal” for sleep in school-age children, and practical solutions to help your child sleep better.
Help Your Child Make Friends: When to Lean In and When to Let Go
We all hope that our children will make meaningful connections with peers and mentors. When they struggle with making friends, it is difficult not to worry. Often, our first instinct is to try to teach specific social skills and manners, but the truth is that strong relationships come from the inside out. What we call charisma can be broken down into empathy and confidence. Self-awareness and self-acceptance are the foundation of your child’s social life.
Raise Happy Children: Parenting for Optimism and Resilience
Research tells us that “things” don’t really make us happy. While temperament is inborn, parents can actually help children increase optimism (positive outlook and hopefulness) and resilience (ability to effectively bounce back from challenges). These capacities are strongly connected to well-being and success. You will examine your day to day interactions and consider approaches that will increase these important traits in yourself and your children. You will also gain the courage to set limits on “stuff” and focus on what counts in building a happy family.
Routines, Chores and Family meetings: Get a little more organized and have more fun!
Morning routines drive you a little crazy. Does trash only get taken out after a zillion reminders? Parents who spend time nagging, complaining, and punishing tend to have less time to meaningfully connect with their children. Consider the use of Family Meetings and other practical strategies to create smoother family routines and support children to be more responsible. You will find yourself connecting and celebrating more on a daily basis.
A Cultural Perspective on Positive Discipline and Secure Attachment
Even though most parents have spanked their child at one time or another, there is an amazing amount of research that tells us about the negative effects of corporal punishment. Understanding the roots of our discipline practices may be important in understanding why we choose certain parenting practices and how they affect our children.
Less Conflict, More Solutions
No matter the age of your child, you’ve probably experienced some difficulty that’s led to an argument. Whether the conflict lasts a moment or a month, it can leave parent and child feeling hurt or frustrated or both. Learn how to work with your child to work together to find solutions to conflict, which will strengthen your relationship.
Bullying: Relationships Matter
Let’s work together to foster a generation of confident, resilient, and empowered individuals. We’ll discuss approaches to arming our children with the skills they need to face the challenges of life with courage and grace.