Interactive Workshops

Social Media & Screen Time


Screen time and social media are hot topics among parents and children. Parents complain they can’t get screen time under control and kids can’t seem to get enough. Parents worry about their children's safety online, but tweens and teens feel they need social media to maintain friendships. Learn how to manage screen time and keep your child safe online.

Interactive Workshops

Manage Screen Time: End the Power Struggle
Screen time is a red-hot issue between parents and children. Parents complain they can’t get screen time under control and kids can’t seem to get enough. Over half of parents say their kids are “addicted” and, even among young children, craving for screen time is rapidly accelerating. Class participants will learn practical solutions to this growing challenge.
Technology and Young Children: How much is too much?
Screen time is increasing rapidly, and parents are wondering, how much is too much? This flash class will share the current screen time recommendations for young children and address why limiting screen time is important. We’ll offer guidelines for choosing high quality media as well as alternatives to the virtual babysitter.
Social Media: When to Hover and When to Step Back
Are you concerned that your kids are spending too much time online? Do your kids use social media and the Surgeon’ General’s report has got your worried? You’re not alone. Let’s talk.
Empower Your Child to Be a Better Digital Citizen
How can we raise successful digital citizens while keeping kids safe at the same time? Open lines of communication, clearly negotiated boundaries and modeling balance will help you teach responsible digital behavior and at the same time help keep your child(ren) stay safe.
Sugar, Screens & Routines: Find the Right Balance for Your Family
When you just need time to get things done, extending kids’ screen time seems like an easy fix. Maybe you just agree to another treat so your child will give you some peace. These small habits may result in less cooperation, calm, and even happiness in your family. These small habits, however, can become patterns that lead to more problems. Let’s talk about some other approaches that work.
Vaping, Eating Disorders, Cyberbullying, Sex and More: How to Communicate with Your Teen
Part of our job as parents is to help keep our kids safe. This can now seem like an all-consuming challenge since issues like “the mean girl at school” have evolved into cyberbullying and beyond. Join us to make sense of it all.

Meet your Instructors

Ruth Freeman

Mental Health, School Age, Relationships,


Aaron Weintraub

Autism, Anxiety, ADHD,

MS, Curriculum Advisor

Amy Alamar

School, Teens, Relationships,


JoAnn Robinson

Infants, Potty Training, Taming Tantrums,


Cora Megan

Toddlers/Preschoolers, Early Discipline, Childcare,

Peace at Home