kids snacking

Kids eat snacks like Netflix. As soon as one ends, another one is getting started* 

Peace at Home February 12, 2019 | Ruth Freeman

When parents permit kids to “graze,” that is eating at will throughout the day, parents will often end up with power struggles with kids and sometimes even eating problems or disorders. Experts suggest that scheduled meals and snacks with limited offerings is best for developing good eating skills. Ellyn Satter, nationall recognized adviser on feeding children recommends the following:
  • Parents are entirely responsible for when, where and what is served to children
  • Children are entirely responsible for whether they eat and how much

This plan eliminates food battles and improves children’s natural abilities to notice when satisfied.

Interesting that this parents made the connection between snacks and Netflix – how many families allow eating in front of screens? This reduces the likelikhood that children will recognize when satisfied and make good choices.
Parents may also want to think about how many processed snacks are available. As one nutritionist recently noted – if your food can’t go bad, consider it bad for your health.
*The ParentNormal @ParentNormal
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