Lesson Category: Teens
LGBTQ + ¿Qué significan todas estas letras?
Lesson Details
¿No estás seguro de cuál es la diferencia entre orientación sexual e identidad de género?
¿Confundido por los términos que su hijo podría estar usando, como pansexual, queer, transgénero o no binario?
¿Siente la necesidad de recibir orientación sobre cómo responder positivamente a su hijo?
¿Siente la necesidad de recibir orientación sobre cómo responder positivamente a su hijo?
Hay muchas formas en que los jóvenes pueden estar hablando sobre su orientación sexual o identidad de género que pueden ser nuevas o confusas para los padres. Tener una comprensión básica de las palabras que se usan, junto con algunas formas útiles de responder, puede ayudarlo a usted en como apoyar a su hijo. Los participantes de esta clase podrán:
- Identificar las diferencias entre orientación sexual e identidad de género.
- Conocer las diferentes identidades LGBTQ y lo que pueden significar para su hijo
- Reconocer y aplicar formas apropiadas de responder a su hijo
- Reconozca las respuestas que no son útiles para su hijo
Course Lessons
¿No estás seguro de cuál es la diferencia entre orientación sexual e identidad de género?
¿Confundido por los términos que su hijo podría estar usando, como pansexual, queer, transgénero o no binario?
¿Siente la necesidad de recibir orientación sobre cómo responder positivamente a su hijo?
¿Siente la necesidad de recibir orientación sobre cómo responder positivamente a su hijo?
Hay muchas formas en que los jóvenes pueden estar hablando sobre su orientación sexual o identidad de género que pueden ser nuevas o confusas para los padres. Tener una comprensión básica de las palabras que se usan, junto con algunas formas útiles de responder, puede ayudarlo a usted en como apoyar a su hijo. Los participantes de esta clase podrán:
- Identificar las diferencias entre orientación sexual e identidad de género.
- Conocer las diferentes identidades LGBTQ y lo que pueden significar para su hijo
- Reconocer y aplicar formas apropiadas de responder a su hijo
- Reconozca las respuestas que no son útiles para su hijo
Strengthen the Home-School Connection: Academic and Personal Goals
Lesson Details
Teachers and administrators regularly communicate with all school community stakeholders. It can be a challenge to meet the communication needs of students, parents, and staff, all while planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum.
Students are best served when everyone is working toward their academic and personal interests. You will gain practical skills in conducting productive conversations with parents and caregivers
Course Lessons
Teachers and administrators regularly communicate with all school community stakeholders. It can be a challenge to meet the communication needs of students, parents, and staff, all while planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum.
Students are best served when everyone is working toward their academic and personal interests. You will gain practical skills in conducting productive conversations with parents and caregivers
Conversations That Build Self-Esteem for your Child with Autism or ADHD
Lesson Details
We want our children to live healthy, happy lives with strong connections and a positive sense of self. Conversation is a pathway to developing and sustaining a healthy and trusting relationship with your child and for having a positive impact on how they see themselves.
Course Lessons
We want our children to live healthy, happy lives with strong connections and a positive sense of self. Conversation is a pathway to developing and sustaining a healthy and trusting relationship with your child and for having a positive impact on how they see themselves.
How to Help Your LGBTQ+ Child Thrive
Lesson Details
We hope our children will make healthy choices, form lasting, meaningful connections, and develop a strong, positive sense of self. In other words, we want them to thrive! LGBTQ+ youth face more risks to their well-being than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. Risks are even greater for people with low income and for people of color. The good news is that with the right information you can support your child through these obstacles.
Course Lessons
We hope our children will make healthy choices, form lasting, meaningful connections, and develop a strong, positive sense of self. In other words, we want them to thrive! LGBTQ+ youth face more risks to their well-being than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. Risks are even greater for people with low income and for people of color. The good news is that with the right information you can support your child through these obstacles.
LGBTQ+: What Do All Those Letters Mean?
Lesson Details
Not sure what the difference is between sexual orientation and gender identity?
Confused by terms your child might be using, like pansexual, queer, transgender, or nonbinary?
Feeling the need for some guidance about how to positively respond to your child?
There are many ways youth may be talking about their sexual orientation or gender identity that might be new or confusing for parents. Having a basic understanding of the words being used, along with some helpful ways to respond, can assist you in supporting your child. Participants in this class will be able to:
- Identify the differences between sexual orientation and gender identity
- Identify common LGBTQ identities and what they may mean for your child
- Recognize and apply ways to respond to your child that are supportive
- Recognize responses to your child that are not helpful
Course Lessons
Not sure what the difference is between sexual orientation and gender identity?
Confused by terms your child might be using, like pansexual, queer, transgender, or nonbinary?
Feeling the need for some guidance about how to positively respond to your child?
There are many ways youth may be talking about their sexual orientation or gender identity that might be new or confusing for parents. Having a basic understanding of the words being used, along with some helpful ways to respond, can assist you in supporting your child. Participants in this class will be able to:
- Identify the differences between sexual orientation and gender identity
- Identify common LGBTQ identities and what they may mean for your child
- Recognize and apply ways to respond to your child that are supportive
- Recognize responses to your child that are not helpful
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity: Understand and Support Your Kids
Lesson Details
Does the idea of talking with your child about sexual orientation feel difficult or even a little scary?
Are you confused about the changing ways that many in our society see these issues?
Worried about knowing how to support your child?
The issues of sexual orientation can be daunting for both kids and parents. Your child will look to you for guidance about how to feel and act. This class will help you prepare for an open, ongoing dialogue with your child or teen that is candid, authentic and supportive. Participants in this class will be able to:
- Recognize key issues and biases related to sexual orientation for your child and for yourself
- Apply listening and talking strategies that help your child feel safe enough to express their true thoughts and feelings
- Apply approaches that will support your child’s positive thoughts and feelings about themself
Course Lessons
Does the idea of talking with your child about sexual orientation feel difficult or even a little scary?
Are you confused about the changing ways that many in our society see these issues?
Worried about knowing how to support your child?
The issues of sexual orientation can be daunting for both kids and parents. Your child will look to you for guidance about how to feel and act. This class will help you prepare for an open, ongoing dialogue with your child or teen that is candid, authentic and supportive. Participants in this class will be able to:
- Recognize key issues and biases related to sexual orientation for your child and for yourself
- Apply listening and talking strategies that help your child feel safe enough to express their true thoughts and feelings
- Apply approaches that will support your child’s positive thoughts and feelings about themself
Children and Anxiety: How can I help?
Lesson Details
Sometimes children don’t outgrow fears that are typical in younger children like being apart from parents or extreme fears about specific things or situations like dogs or going to the doctor’s office. Sometimes fears or worries may interfere with home, school or play activities. Sometimes children may seem irritable and angry or experience physical symptoms like stomach aches, and still other kids turn their symptoms inward causing us to miss them. In any of these cases, your child may be experiencing anxiety and will benefit from focused support and sometimes professional services. As parents, we may sometimes be inclined to help in ways that actually make symptoms worse like allowing children to avoid certain situations or getting worried about our children’s worries.
Course Lessons
Sometimes children don’t outgrow fears that are typical in younger children like being apart from parents or extreme fears about specific things or situations like dogs or going to the doctor’s office. Sometimes fears or worries may interfere with home, school or play activities. Sometimes children may seem irritable and angry or experience physical symptoms like stomach aches, and still other kids turn their symptoms inward causing us to miss them. In any of these cases, your child may be experiencing anxiety and will benefit from focused support and sometimes professional services. As parents, we may sometimes be inclined to help in ways that actually make symptoms worse like allowing children to avoid certain situations or getting worried about our children’s worries.
Teens and Depression: What Really Helps?
Lesson Details
Your child’s brain is in a process of intense physical, cognitive and social development. They are becoming more aware of themselves and forming identity. As their brain changes and struggles to adapt to their social environment, they may be vulnerable to depression. Risk factors for depression include depression in the family, psycho-social, and environmental stressors.
Course Lessons
Your child’s brain is in a process of intense physical, cognitive and social development. They are becoming more aware of themselves and forming identity. As their brain changes and struggles to adapt to their social environment, they may be vulnerable to depression. Risk factors for depression include depression in the family, psycho-social, and environmental stressors.
10 Steps to Strengthen Your Parent-Child Relationship
Lesson Details
Strong, positive parent-child relationships are the foundation of good mental health. This class will help you focus on practical strategies to build those relationships whether you grew up in families with those kinds of connections or not. After this class you will be able to:
- Recognize the connection between relationships and mental health
- Define attachment and recognize its importance for your child’s development
- Identify and apply 10 practical steps to build a strong positive relationship with your child
Course Lessons
Strong, positive parent-child relationships are the foundation of good mental health. This class will help you focus on practical strategies to build those relationships whether you grew up in families with those kinds of connections or not. After this class you will be able to:
- Recognize the connection between relationships and mental health
- Define attachment and recognize its importance for your child’s development
- Identify and apply 10 practical steps to build a strong positive relationship with your child
What is My Role in My Child’s Therapy?
Lesson Details
Parents play an important role in children’s psychotherapy. It is important that you share concerns with the therapist and with your child, participate in creating goals for treatment. Ideally child therapists work with parents to support their child’s healthy development and address symptoms in ways that help.
Course Lessons
Parents play an important role in children’s psychotherapy. It is important that you share concerns with the therapist and with your child, participate in creating goals for treatment. Ideally child therapists work with parents to support their child’s healthy development and address symptoms in ways that help.