Lesson Tag: depression
Depression & Anxiety in College Students
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The words "depression" and "anxiety" are used a lot in our culture, but what do they really mean? They are different from being sad or stressed. In this quick video, we'll help you recognize signs of depression and anxiety in your young adult, and when to get a mental health professional involved.
Course Lessons
The words “depression” and “anxiety” are used a lot in our culture, but what do they really mean? They are different from being sad or stressed. In this quick video, we’ll help you recognize signs of depression and anxiety in your young adult, and when to get a mental health professional involved.
Children and Therapy: Let’s Talk
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How do I know if my child needs therapy? What is my role in my child’s therapy? How do I know if therapy is working?
Children develop in unique ways and there is a wide range of behaviors that may be normal for a given child. Some children are especially sensitive, others tend toward the more active, even aggressive side. Parents help children cope with negative emotions and learn to regulate their behavior. This is all part of typical child development and the challenges of being a parent At times, children’s difficulties managing their own feelings and their behavior may become more serious or they may last longer than a few weeks. If children are having problems in more than one setting (both at home and at school), if they appear distressed or upset for more than a few weeks, if your efforts to address the problem have not been successful and if their behavior is getting in the way of their normal activities, it may be time to seek guidance from a therapist.
Therapy can make a positive difference for your child and for your relationship, especially when you know how to be an active and positive part of the process.
Course Lessons
How do I know if my child needs therapy? What is my role in my child’s therapy? How do I know if therapy is working?
Children develop in unique ways and there is a wide range of behaviors that may be normal for a given child. Some children are especially sensitive, others tend toward the more active, even aggressive side. Parents help children cope with negative emotions and learn to regulate their behavior. This is all part of typical child development and the challenges of being a parent At times, children’s difficulties managing their own feelings and their behavior may become more serious or they may last longer than a few weeks. If children are having problems in more than one setting (both at home and at school), if they appear distressed or upset for more than a few weeks, if your efforts to address the problem have not been successful and if their behavior is getting in the way of their normal activities, it may be time to seek guidance from a therapist.
Therapy can make a positive difference for your child and for your relationship, especially when you know how to be an active and positive part of the process.
Parent-Self Care: Take a Careful Look
Lesson Details

Sometimes we are struggling with issues that are invisible and yet deeply affect our relationship with children and our entire family. This class will help you recognize the yellow flags related to depression, anxiety, relationship problems, and substance abuse. We will consider the ways any of these challenges may be affecting your children more than you realize and steps you can take to address self-care more effectively.
Course Lessons
Sometimes we are struggling with issues that are invisible and yet deeply affect our relationship with children and our entire family. This class will help you recognize the yellow flags related to depression, anxiety, relationship problems, and substance abuse. We will consider the ways any of these challenges may be affecting your children more than you realize and steps you can take to address self-care more effectively.