climbing out of crib

My 2 year old is jumping out of her crib…

Peace at Home October 2, 2018 | JoAnn Robinson

Are we ready for a big girl/boy bed?

When a child climbs out of the crib, it can be a safety challenge. This can be hard to prevent and some parents use this as a cue to transition to a toddler bed, which is lower to the floor. Parents need to consider what their long term goals are for their toddler:  If you want him/her to stay in his/her room, you need to be ready to help the child stay there. Access to the door is increased with a toddler bed. Sleep experts recommend parents purchase a doorknob grip to help prevent this.  Sitting outside the door for a time may be needed to redirect a toddler who is reluctant to stay in the new bed.  Redirect calmly, limiting contact to a few minutes, repeating a routine phrase, such as:  “I need to keep you safe in your bed. Lie down in your bed, honey.”  Hum a quiet melody for a minute or two; gently rub his/her back. Leave quietly, without speaking, and close the door. Be prepared to stay by the door until the child has settled.

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