My Child is Struggling in School: How Can I Help?
Is your child having difficulty in school with social skills, behavior, and/or academics? Are you wondering what you can do about your concerns? Not sure where to turn about these issues?This workshop will help you work with your child’s teacher and/or school to effectively address the learning and/or development challenges you see in your child. Watching your child struggle in school can be hard, especially if you don’t know how to help. Join Peace at Home experts and other parents in this virtual workshop. We’ll discuss practical strategies to help your child become their most successful self at school.
- For additional support, check out the Quick Video Solutions Library, Connection= Cooperation Explore the Video Solutions and Handouts for all the classes including Build Extraordinary Relationships with You School Age Child through Daily Conversations, Be Your Child’s Calm Center: How Your Emotions Affect Your Child’s Behavior