Our Advisors

Peace at Home is grateful for each of our advisors and their generosity of time and talent. Their commitment, expertise and wisdom is instrumental to our success.

Seth Ettenberg

Corporate perspective and strategic insight on our growth assumptions and plans

Tania Liddy

Sales strategy and e-learning insights

Tom Rose

Technology, entrepreneurship, cap tables, board development

Kenneth Schlechter

Strategic growth guidance and guidance on achieving scalable efficiency

Liz Sweigart

Content and systems guidance with focus on digital well-being, mental wellness, and mental health in the workplace.

Julie Veloz

Corporate and DEI perspective, innovative product design, delivery, and engagement insights

Aaron Weintraub

Client development and parenting expertise supporting content, product and delivery

Ellen Wasyl

Advisory board facilitation, perspective on PAHP team dynamics

Joe Freeman

Founder, curriculum advisor and state agency advisor

Andrea Freeman

Data analytics, social media, and market intelligence guidanc

Gregory Lewis

CT Small Business Development Center Advisor

Peace at Home