Recorded Workshop

Infant Toddler Brain Development: Why Parents Matter So Much

January 10, 2024 12:00 pm EDT

This workshop was hosted live on the date noted above, you can view the recording and download the handouts below.

playing kid

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop

Many parents are surprised to learn how powerfully our interactions in the first few years shape children’s future. You may know a bit about your child’s development, especially in infancy when motor milestones are celebrated by everyone. But what really helps infants and toddlers grow into resilient children and teens? And what can parents and caregivers do to support their positive development? 

Learning about how young children’s brains develop will help you gain insights into how you can best support your little ones as they eat, sleep, play, and learn. Join this workshop for practical, everyday strategies to support infants and toddlers to grow, learn and connect in healthy ways. 

  • Click the button above to watch the recording of this workshop previously hosted.  Come learn proven, effective solutions that quickly produce positive results giving you more clarity and confidence. If you are looking for more support email our Parent Guides at
  • For additional support, check out the Quick Video Solutions Library, Get Ready for Baby & Enjoy the First Year Library  Explore the Video Solutions and Handouts for all the classes including Keep Your Relationship With Your Baby Strong as You Return to Work, Lean Baby’s Needs: Eat, Play, Sleep 

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Recognize what’s important about early brain development 
  • Apply fun and easy ways to support the development of lifelong learning and relationship skills starting in your child’s first year 
  • Apply positive parenting solutions to strengthen well-being and resilience in your child

Meet your Instructors

JoAnn Robinson

Infants, Potty Training, Taming Tantrums,



  • brain
  • brain development
  • Health/Wellness
  • parents

Age Category

  • Prenatal & Infant
  • Toddlers & Preschoolers
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