Recorded Workshop

Balanced Work-Life Blend for Working Parents

October 06, 2023 11:00 am EDT/EST

This workshop was hosted live on the date noted above, you can view the recording and download the handouts below.

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About This Workshop

An effective work-life blend involves being intentional about how you align your priorities.  Blending doesn’t mean you’ll be able to do everything. It’s the practice of more creatively and flexibly integrating the two prominent areas of your life so you can do more or do what you’re doing with less stress. One of the keys to creating an effective blend is finding ways to share household tasks harmoniously. Sound like two impossible dreams? Join us for an enlightening conversation about what it means to find your unique work-life blend and discover a new, highly effective approach to solving the persistent challenge of gender equity in household tasks. You’ll gain “Fair Play” tools to create a more balanced and harmonious partnership with less tension over daily life and more room for fun and fulfillment. 

If time allows, we will explore the ways these strategies can promote a supportive corporate culture that encourages equitable partnerships, work-life balance, and shared responsibility among employees

Please note: This workshop is open to all participants, regardless of your relationship status or gender identity. The content will focus primarily on addressing gender inequity with heterosexual partnerships. The content will also acknowledge and respect the diversity of relationships and family structures. Those in other kinds of relationships (including roommates, parents and adult children, colleagues, etc.) may benefit from learning how to better create a more explicitly defined and fair relationship.

  • Click the button above to watch the recording of this workshop previously hosted.  Come learn proven, effective solutions that quickly produce positive results giving you more clarity and confidence. If you are looking for more support email our Parent Guides at
  • For additional support, check out the Quick Video Solutions Library, Parenting Principles. Explore the Video Solutions and Handouts for all the classes.

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Define effective work-life blend and identify steps to create your unique plan.
  • Apply effective approaches to communicate with your family members, work colleagues, and manager about changes that will support better work-life blend.
  • Recognize the connection between work-life blend and achieving gender equity in household tasks.
  • Identify common gender inequities related to the distribution of household tasks and family responsibilities including invisible work/the mental load/emotional labor.
  • Recognize personal biases including your beliefs, assumptions, and expectations regarding gender roles and their impact on your relationship.
  • Identify the fundamental principles and strategies of The Fair Play Method, a practical framework designed to empower couples to achieve a fair and equitable division of household and family responsibilities.
  • Identify strategies to maintain long-term equity and harmony in household and family dynamics as life circumstances change.

Meet your Instructors

Ruth Freeman

Mental Health, School Age, Relationships,


Lucinda Gibbons

Parents sharing family responsibilities, Marriage and Family issues,



  • work-life balance
  • working parents

Age Category

  • All, Parent, Self Care and Awareness
  • School Age
  • School Educator
  • Teens & Young Adults
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