Recorded Workshop

Empower Your Child to Be a Better Digital Citizen

July 25, 2023 1:00 pm EDT/EST

This workshop was hosted live on the date noted above, you can view the recording and download the handouts below.

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop

How can we raise successful digital citizens while keeping kids safe at the same time? Open lines of communication, clearly negotiated boundaries and modeling balance will help you teach responsible digital behavior and at the same time help keep your child(ren) stay safe. 

Join experienced Peace At Home experts and other parents like yourself to find answers to this persistent challenge that isn’t going away and seems to grow more complicated everyday.

  • Click the button above to watch the recording of this workshop previously hosted.  Come learn proven, effective solutions that quickly produce positive results giving you more clarity and confidence. If you are looking for more support email our Parent Guides at
  • For additional support, check out the Quick Video Solutions Parenting Principles for Progress not Perfection Library, Explore the Video Solutions and Handouts for all the classes including The Kids are Not Alright:7 Steps to Make Your Home Their Safe Place, Be Your Child’s Calm Center: Techniques to Calm the Brain

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Gain insight into the current technological landscape and the challenges it poses to children’s safety
  • Apply effective communication approaches to create an open and trusting relationship with your child about technology
  • Develop healthy boundaries as a family about technology and online safety
  • Recognize and respond to online risks for your child(ren)
  • Strengthen resilience in your child(ren) to help them make safe and informed decisions while navigating their digital world. 


Meet your Instructors

Amy Alamar

School, Teens, Relationships,


Liz Sweigart

Technology, Social Media,



  • safety
  • screen time
  • social media

Age Category

  • School Age
  • Teens & Young Adults
Peace at Home