About This Workshop
While you are still pregnant is a great time to build positive routines for your own self-care. This session will help you remember the importance of having a clear rhythm to your day, even if that is new to you. It will make life much easier once the baby arrives. We’ll help you honor the needs of your body to be active, refuel energy, and sleep. These lay a great foundation for creating a rhythm for babies.
- Click the button above to watch the recording of this workshop previously hosted. Come learn proven, effective solutions that quickly produce positive results giving you more clarity and confidence. If you are looking for more support email our Parent Guides at Solutions@Peaceathomeparenting.com.
- For additional support, check out the Quick Video Solutions Library, Get Ready for Baby & Enjoy the First Year Library Explore the Video Solutions and Handouts for all the classes including Keep Your Relationship With Your Baby Strong as You Return to Work, Lean Baby’s Needs: Eat, Play, Sleep
After this workshop, you will be able to:
- Recognize the value of self-care for your mood and personal organization
- Recognize what really counts as self-care
- Build a sustainable routine that offers balance and works for you