Live Interactive Workshop

Planning for Independence And Nurturing Your Teen’s Emotional Well-Being for MITES families

July 15, 2024 8:00 pm EDT/EST
teens independence safety

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop

In this live, online interactive workshop, you’ll learn practical strategies for navigating the delicate balance between supporting your teen’s emotional well-being and fostering their independence. 

It’s easy to have arguments and miscommunications when talking with teens, especially about their struggles. Many of us want to help our kids to feel better and even fix their problems…which actually doesn’t help. Come explore insights into the emotional landscape of adolescence, including common challenges and developmental milestones. This workshop will help you recognize the barriers to connecting positively and apply strategies to improve your communication during this important and sometimes complicated developmental stage.

While this workshop is designed for parents of tweens and teens, we will focus especially on older teens as they prepare for the launch into life after high school. 

  • Click the button above to register for this 45 minute, virtual, Interactive workshop.  We’ll email (1) a zoom link to add to your calendar, (2) reminders as the date gets closer and (3) a link to the recording and handouts once the live session is complete. Come learn proven, effective solutions that quickly produce positive results giving you more clarity and confidence.
  • For additional support, check out the Quick Video Solutions Library,  Support, Inspire, and Connect. Explore the Video Solutions and Handouts for all the classes including Social Media: When to Hover and When to Step Back, Be Your Child’s Calm Center: How Your Emotions Affect Your Child’s Behavior 

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Strengthen your listening as well as talking skills in ways that will help protect your teens and maybe even save your sanity
  • Avoid common roadblocks to effective communication with your teen
  • Coach problems solving skills to help your teen solve their own challenges
  • Recognize the consequences of restricting independence
  • Identify and apply steps in planning with teens for situations that strengthen independence

Meet your Instructors

Ruth Freeman

Mental Health, School Age, Relationships,


Autumn Cloud-Ingram

Birth, Discipline, Teens,



  • communication
  • independence
  • teens

Age Category

  • Teens & Young Adults
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