Tag: communication
Help Kids Talk about Mental Health
Posted onThere are hundreds of words we have all heard describing those with mental illness symptoms, especially among children and teens. They include crazy, loony, psycho, nuts, mental, and many others. These are words that create stigmas […]
The Kids Are Not Alright – How Can Parents Help?
Posted onIf you are worried about your child’s mental health or emotional well-being, you are not alone. More than 150 organizations led by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and […]
Fill Your Own Cup
Posted onAs parents, we spend our days worrying about and taking care of those around us. But when was the last time that you thought about the one piece that connects the rest of the puzzle— yourself? […]
Setting Family Goals for the New Year You Can Actually Keep
Posted onDo you set goals for yourself and your family each year only to abandon them after a short time? Don’t give up. You’ve got options. Here are two simple techniques for choosing and following through on […]
Good News About the Holidays
Posted onby Ruth Freeman, LCSW We’ve got good news for you about the holidays. Families who celebrate special occasions are more likely to raise kids who have a strong sense of identity, are physically healthy, succeed in […]
Gratitude: More than Just a Thanksgiving Ritual
Posted onIt’s that time of year and many of us will look forward to expressing gratitude around a table of loved ones. We know, however, that those who practice gratitude throughout the year reap enormous benefits including […]
Seeking Gratitude Brings You Towards Happiness
Posted onFor many of us, our relationship to happiness has changed over the past year and a half. Many of the things that we once turned to to bring us joy were unavailable. For some, that led […]
World Mental Health Day 2021
Posted onAre you concerned about your child or teen’s mental health?Wondering how you can really help?Do you question how well mental health providers respect culture and ethnicity? Some are declaring a “pediatric mental health emergency” because so […]
What we can learn from Wall Street Journal’s Article: “Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls, Company Documents Show?”
Posted onWhat we can learn from the recent Wall Street Journal article detailing what Facebook did and did not know about the effect of Instagram use on the mental health of girls? It’s more important to open communication with our daughters than to worry about whether or not they use Instagram. There is certainly a crisis of mental health with our adolescents, and while Instagram might be making matters worse, it didn’t start the fire, so to speak.
Old Rules versus New Rules of Gender: Parent Do Overs
Posted onIt was picture day at my 2.5-year-old daughter’s preschool. Like most mothers, I picked out what I thought was cute – a pink and purple flowered shirt. I sneaked pig tails into her hair. Yes, sneaked […]