Recorded Workshop

Find Time for Fitness When There’s No Time At All

June 16, 2022 8:00 pm EDT/EST

This workshop was hosted live on the date noted above, you can view the recording and download the handouts below.

About This Workshop

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About This Workshop

We parents of young children have too much to do and not enough time to do it. So certain things fall off the to-do list, and fitness is usually one of the first to go. At the same time, we know deep down that we are more patient and positive when we take at least good enough care of ourselves.  

  • Click the button above to watch the recording of this workshop previously hosted.  Come learn proven, effective solutions that quickly produce positive results giving you more clarity and confidence. If you are looking for more support email our Parent Guides at
  • For additional support, check out the Quick Video Solutions Library, Parenting Self Awareness and Care. Explore the Video Solutions and Handouts for all the classes including Informal Fitness: Easy Ways to Sneak Movement into Your Day and Fitness for the Family: Include Kids in Your Fitness Routine

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Apply strategies to quickly include fitness into your day
  • Identify fun ways to include kids in your workouts
  • Improvise new approaches when the perfect workout just isn’t possible

Meet your Instructors

Stephanie Rondeau

Nutrition, Wellness, Fitness,



  • balance
  • confidence
  • diet
  • exercise
  • food
  • Health/Wellness

Age Category

  • Prenatal & Infant
  • School Age
  • Teens & Young Adults
  • Toddlers & Preschoolers
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